Welcome to Explore & Thrive. My concept is to provide you with an organic space to explore different resources and support that will help you through emotional difficulty. You will find websites, online workbooks, apps and books. The resources that you find have helped me and the people who I have had the privilege to support over the years. If you are looking for personal support I am available for 1-1 counselling, wellbeing support and coaching face to face or via telephone and Skype. Thank you for visiting and I hope you find something that helps.
I have a natural passion for understanding what causes us emotional distress. I worked through a period of low mood, possibly depression, in my teenage years. I struggled with periods of elevated anxiety in my early 20's and am sure I will experience similar periods again in the future. I have witnessed the destructive impact of substance misuse in my family and friends, so often a coping mechanism for underlying emotional difficulty not getting the attention it needs to heal. My education and professional development has helped me understand myself emotionally and helped me to support my clients on their journey to greater peace and improved wellbeing.
I believe the most important way to develop skills in supporting people is through experience. I have 11 years experience of supporting people in sheltered accommodation. I worked as a Team Leader for 5 years for a local government organisation supporting people looking for work. For 2 years I worked as a Wellbeing Practitioner within a mental health organisation using CBT informed techniques to help with anxiety and depression. I have also completed 3 years working as a Substance Misuse Support Worker. My years of support work have enabled me to put much of the theory I have learnt into practice, I am grateful to the people who have shared their journey with me.
I enjoy learning and believe that ongoing training enables me to reflect on my own practice and continually improve the support I can offer my clients. So far I have completed:
· Degree in Psychology BSc (Hons)
· Level 5 Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling
· Diploma in Counselling
· Postgraduate Certificate in Wellbeing Support
· Degree Module in Substance Misuse
· Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Theory
· Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills
· Level 3 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring
· Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy
I have learnt a lot about myself through travel and understanding different cultures. I believe that exploration helps develop understanding. This is the inspiration for the name of my website, I believe that exploration of you own emotions and of who you truly are will help you to move away from emotional difficulty. My aim is to continue exploring through reading, challenging myself, working and travelling. If I find anything that may be useful I shall add it to this site. I am more than happy to hear what you have found useful in helping you through emotional distress, recommendations are more than welcome.